
Welcome to BioBioPha Co., Ltd.!Stock code: 871574
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Our compounds undergo strict quality control by HPLC and/or NMR for each delivered compound to confirm sample identity and purity. We provide compounds of at least 95% purity, validated by NMR and/or HPLC.

The analytical data LC-MS, 13C-NMR, 1D-NMR, 2D-NMR, MS, CD and X-ray spectra are provided on demand of a customer.

BioBioPha Co., Ltd. conducts quality control of all compounds we offer on a regular basis to confirm stability and shelf life.

Correctness of structures is no less a level than published in the authoritative academic journals in this field. Interpretation of spectra and final approval of each compound are executed by a dedicated group of Ph.D. analytical chemists within BioBioPha.

Our quality control equipments include:

  • Bruker AV 800 MHz and Bruker Avance III 600 MHz NMR spectrometers;
  • API QSTAR Pulsar and Bruker Esquire HCT 3000 mass spectrometers;
  • Agilent 1200 series HPLC system, Waters 2535 series HPLC system and Büchi Sepacore MPLC system;
  • Sephadex LH-20, Chromatorex C-18, MCI gel CHP 20P, TCI Chiral MB-S;
  • SciFinder Scholar database…

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Special statement:Unauthorized use of the information from this website is strictly prohibited. All products displayed are manufactured by BioBioPha and they are small molecule compounds for scientific research use only.

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+86 871 65217109
Skype: sales.biobiopha